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Packed Tower

Packed tower refers to the process with small fluid resistance, which is suitable for the process with large gas treatment capacity and small liquid volume. The liquid flows from top to bottom along the packing surface, and the gas and liquid form countercurrent or cocurrent, depending on the specific reaction. The amount of liquid in the packed tower is small. The flow pattern in the tower is close to piston flow regardless of gas phase or liquid phase. If solid phase is generated in the reaction process, packed tower should not be used.
The packed tower is filled with various shapes of fillers (called fillers) to make the liquid flow along the surface of the filler to form a liquid film, which is dispersed in the continuously flowing gas, and the gas-liquid two-phase contact surface is on the liquid film surface of the filler. It belongs to membrane contact equipment

The packing tower takes the packing as the basic component of gas-liquid contact and mass transfer. The liquid flows from top to bottom in a film on the surface of the packing, and the gas flows in a continuous phase from bottom to top, and carries out mass and heat transfer between gas and liquid. The component concentration and temperature of the two phases change continuously along the tower height. Packed tower belongs to differential contact gas and liquid mass transfer equipment.

Packed tower is also called packed tower. A kind of mass transfer equipment commonly used in chemical production. It is mainly composed of cylindrical tower body and packing stacked in the tower (solids of various shapes are used to increase the area between two-phase fluids and enhance the mass transfer between two phases). Used for absorption, distillation, extraction, etc

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